Instructions for speakers

Instructions for plenary & parallel session speakers at PANIC 05
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Speakers should turn in their talks to the A/V speaker ready room no later than 6pm the day before their talk (10pm on Sunday).
  • The A/V speaker ready room is the DeVargas room in the Eldorado hotel.
  • Talks must be submitted in power point (ppt) or open office (sxi) AND in pdf
    • (or in pdf alone if not a power point or open office talk)
  • Talks must be submitted in person at the A/V speaker ready room on a USB memory key or via a web address (no password please).
  • A quick check for font problems, etc, will be made of the talk when it is submitted.
  • A few talk guidelines:
    • try not to use yellow or green as these vanish on computer projectors
    • for power point talks, save your fonts in the file (tools/options/save/)
  • Talks given using transparencies will also be accomodated.

Use of personal laptops in sessions or bringing talks at the last minute to the session is highly discouraged and punishable by obligation of a round of beer for the entire talk coordinator staff. :-)

The plenary hall and parallel session rooms will have computer projectors, overhead projectors, a PC laptop, a speaker's microphone with cord (wireless for plenary sessions), and laser pointer. (and a timer for the session chair)

  • We will transport talks to the laptop for each session from the A/V speaker ready room about 1/2 hr before the session starts
  • Chairs of sessions should work with our talk coordinator helpers to make sure all talks are on the session laptop and each talk displays ok before the session starts
  • Laptops in session rooms will have MS PowerPoint viewer, Open Office and Acrobat Reader.
Talks (in ppt or sxi AND in pdf) will be put on the PANIC05 web pages after they are given.
  • Any talks given using transparencies should be submitted for scanning to the A/V speaker ready room after they are given and will also be added to the web
Mike Leitch (, Hubert van Hecke (, Sergey Butsyk (