Neutrino Physics Planning Meeting

A two-day planning meeting is being organized to discuss future directions in neutrino physics. The meeting will follow PANIC05 and will be held in Santa Fe at the Hilton Hotel on October 29-30, 2005. The meeting will provide to the physics communities an overview of the exciting physics opportunities in neutrino physics and a discussion of possible new experiments.

The goal of this meeting is to discuss the future of neutrino physics as well as to stimulate interest in future neutrino goals. Information about registration and the scientific agenda will soon be made available.

Organizers: Y. Efremenko (Co-Chair), S. Elliott, K. Heeger, A. Hime, K. Lesko (Co-Chair), W. Louis (Chair), H. Murayama, G. Mills, A. Poon, R. Van de Water

PANIC05 Neutrino Satellite Meeting:
Future of Neutrino Physics

Final Agenda

October 29, 2005 (8:45-12:15 & 13:30-17:30)

8:45 Welcome
8:50 Tribute to John Bahcall - Robertson
Chair: Kevin Lesko
9:00 Theory Overview Talk on Double Beta Decay - Vogel .pdf
9:30 Double Beta Decay Summary Talk - Elliott .pdf  .ppt
9:55 Majorana - Wilkerson .pdf
10:15 EXO - Piepke .pdf

10:55 Cuore/Cuoricino - Norman .pdf  .ppt
11:15 GERDA - Pandola .pdf  .ppt
11:35 Moon - Ejiri .pdf  .ppt
11:55 KATRIN - Robertson .pdf  .ppt
Chair: Geoff Mills
13:30 Theory Talk on Sterile Neutrinos - Goldman .pdf  .ppt
14:00 BooNE - Aguilar-Arevalo .pdf
14:20 OscSNS - Van de Water .pdf
14:40 Theory Overview Talk on Solar Neutrinos - Balantekin .pdf


Chair: Alan Poon
15:30 BOREXINO - Vogelaar .pdf  .ppt
15:50 KamLAND/7Be - Piepke .pdf
16:10 CLEAN - Nikkel .pdf
16:30 LENS - Grieb .pdf  .ppt
16:50 HERON - Lanou .pdf  .ppt
17:10 SNO+ - Chen .pdf  .ppt
17:30 Theory Talk on Active-Active Oscillations - Duan .pdf
October 30, 2005 (9:00-12:30 & 13:40-16:30)

Chair: Karsten Heeger
9:00 Theory Overview Talk on Theta13 - Parke .pdf
9:30 T2K - Mine .pdf  .ppt
9:50 NOVA - Marshak .pdf  .ppt
10:10 Liquid Ar Detector - Fleming .pdf

10:50 BNL - Marciano .pdf
11:10 Double CHOOZ - Goodman .pdf  .ppt
11:30 Braidwood - Djurcic .pdf  .ppt
11:50 Daya Bay - Luk .pdf
12:10 Kaska - Suekane .pdf

Chair: Yuri Efremenko
13:40 Theory Cross Sections Overview Talk - Beacom .pdf
14:10 FINeSSE - Tayloe .pdf
14:30 J-PARC Strange Spin - Miyachi .pdf
14:50 MINERvA - Niculescu .pdf  .ppt
15:10 nu-SNS - Cianciolo .pdf  .ppt
15:30 Theory Talk on Neutrino Properties - Friedland .pdf
End of Meeting

List of Speakers

Alexis Aguilar-Arevalo     BooNE
Baha Balantekin Theory Overview Talk on Solar Neutrinos
John Beacom Theory Overview Talk on Cross Sections
Mark Chen SNO+
Vince Cianciolo nu-SNS
Zelimir Djurcic Braidwood
H. Duan Active-Active Neutrino Oscillations
Hiro Ejiri Moon
Steve Elliott Experimental Overview Talk on Double Beta Decay
Bonnie Fleming Liquid Argon Detector
Alex Friedland Neutrino Properties
Terry Goldman Theory Talk on Sterile Neutrinos
Maury Goodman Double CHOOZ
Christian Grieb LENS
Bob Lanou HERON
Kam-Biu Luk Daya Bay
Bill Marciano BNL Longbaseline
Marvin Marshak NOvA
Shunichi Mine T2K
Yoshiyuki Miyachi J-PARC Strange Spin
Gabriel Niculescu MINERvA
James Nikkel CLEAN
Eric Norman CUORE
Luciano Pandola GERDA
Steven Parke Theory Overview Talk on Theta_13
Andreas Piepke EXO
Andreas Piepke KamLAND/7Be
Hamish Robertson KATRIN
Fumihiko Suekane KASKA
Rex Tayloe FINeSSE
Richard Van de Water Osc-SNS
Petr Vogel Theory Overview Talk on Double Beta Decay
Bruce Vogelaar Borexino
John Wilkerson Majorana

Last update 4 November 2005 - comments, questions to